
Mindfulness funciona / Mindfulness Works How to Disconnect and Reduce Stress Spanish Edition Beatriz Munoz 9788416029426 Books Descargar el PDF AAF

Mindfulness funciona / Mindfulness Works How to Disconnect and Reduce Stress Spanish Edition Beatriz Munoz 9788416029426 Books Libros gratis en línea para leer Mindfulness%20funciona%20%2F%20Mindfulness%20Works%20How%20to%20Disconnect%20and%20Reduce%20Stress%20Spanish%20Edition%20Beatriz%20Munoz%209788416029426%20Books


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Libros gratis en línea para leer Mindfulness funciona / Mindfulness Works How to Disconnect and Reduce Stress Spanish Edition Beatriz Munoz 9788416029426 Books IWH

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  • Una introducción a la práctica del mindfulness y su aplicación en el día a día, con el objetivo de aprender a desconectar del ruido y la presión exteriores, conectar con uno mismo y controlar su estrés.

    Beatriz Muñoz, con su extensa experiencia en la formación de mindfulness, introduce una serie de ejercicios que permitirán al lector aplicar estos planteamientos de forma práctica, con propuestas como la meditación de la espinaca, la de la impresora o la de la ducha. Asimismo, plantea soluciones para situaciones en las que nos enfrentamos a emociones difíciles, como el miedo, la tristeza o la rabia, y propone un plan de entrenamiento de ocho semanas en el que, de forma gradual, iremos incorporando los beneficios del mindfulness en nuestra vida cotidiana. En una sociedad en la que el estrés y la sensación de ansiedad se han extendido hasta convertirse en una auténtica epidemia, Mindfulness funciona proporciona una solución práctica a estos problemas que el lector podrá aplicar desde la primera página, y que le proporcionará resultados visibles en su vida diaria.


    Discover mindfulness as a daily tool for overcoming stress and recovering internal equilibrium.

    Mindfulness Works is an introduction to the practice of mindfulness, both formal and informal, and to its application in day-to-day situations, with the objective of learning to disconnect from exterior noise and pressure, connect with oneself, and control stress. With extensive experience in the development of mindfulness, the author introduces exercises that allow the reader to apply the mindfulness approach directly, with proposals such as meditating on spinach, on a toothbrush, or in a shower. In addition, it suggests solutions for situations such as

    • I can't stop thinking about what happened the other day.
    • My boss is a tyrant.
    • I can't get along with my officemate or teammate.
    • My teenager is driving me crazy.
    • I don't know whether to stay with my partner or not.

    In a society in which the feelings of stress and anxiety have increased to the point of becoming an epidemic, Mindfulness Works provides a practical solution that readers can apply from the very first page, and from which they will see tangible results in their daily lives.
    Beatriz Munoz,Mindfulness funciona / Mindfulness Works How to Disconnect and Reduce Stress (Spanish Edition),Conecta,8416029423,Mindfulness Meditation,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Mindfulness Meditation,Body, Mind Spirit,GENERAL,General Adult,New Age,Non-Fiction,Spanish Adult Non-Fiction,Spanish Adult Nonfiction,meditation;buddhism;mindfulness;spirituality;zen;happiness;healing;gratitude;anger;breathing;mindfulness for beginners;forgiveness;spiritual books;adhd;meditations;meditation books;meditation for beginners;add;daily meditations;breath;mindfulness meditation;yoga;self help;spiritual;philosophy;psychology;self improvement;personal growth;buddha;spirit;health;inspiration;art;joy;wellness;dharma;consciousness;anxiety;buddhist;personal development;mental health;writing;creativity;reference;compassion,spiritual books; spirituality; meditation; mindfulness; healing; happiness; meditations; meditation books; gratitude; mindfulness for beginners; meditation for beginners; daily meditations; mindfulness meditation; psychology; self help; philosophy; spiritual; anxiety; health; buddhism; buddhist; personal development; yoga; zen; self improvement; personal growth; inspiration; mental health; wellness; spirit; consciousness; dharma; art; joy; anger; breathing; forgiveness; adhd; add; breath; buddha; writing; creativity; reference; compassion

    Mindfulness funciona / Mindfulness Works How to Disconnect and Reduce Stress Spanish Edition Beatriz Munoz 9788416029426 Books Reviews :

    Una introducción a la práctica del mindfulness y su aplicación en el día a día, con el objetivo de aprender a desconectar del ruido y la presión exteriores, conectar con uno mismo y controlar su estrés.

    Beatriz Muñoz, con su extensa experiencia en la formación de mindfulness, introduce una serie de ejercicios que permitirán al lector aplicar estos planteamientos de forma práctica, con propuestas como la meditación de la espinaca, la de la impresora o la de la ducha. Asimismo, plantea soluciones para situaciones en las que nos enfrentamos a emociones difíciles, como el miedo, la tristeza o la rabia, y propone un plan de entrenamiento de ocho semanas en el que, de forma gradual, iremos incorporando los beneficios del mindfulness en nuestra vida cotidiana. En una sociedad en la que el estrés y la sensación de ansiedad se han extendido hasta convertirse en una auténtica epidemia, Mindfulness funciona proporciona una solución práctica a estos problemas que el lector podrá aplicar desde la primera página, y que le proporcionará resultados visibles en su vida diaria.


    Discover mindfulness as a daily tool for overcoming stress and recovering internal equilibrium.

    Mindfulness Works is an introduction to the practice of mindfulness, both formal and informal, and to its application in day-to-day situations, with the objective of learning to disconnect from exterior noise and pressure, connect with oneself, and control stress. With extensive experience in the development of mindfulness, the author introduces exercises that allow the reader to apply the mindfulness approach directly, with proposals such as meditating on spinach, on a toothbrush, or in a shower. In addition, it suggests solutions for situations such as

    • I can't stop thinking about what happened the other day.
    • My boss is a tyrant.
    • I can't get along with my officemate or teammate.
    • My teenager is driving me crazy.
    • I don't know whether to stay with my partner or not.

    In a society in which the feelings of stress and anxiety have increased to the point of becoming an epidemic, Mindfulness Works provides a practical solution that readers can apply from the very first page, and from which they will see tangible results in their daily lives.

    Beatriz Munoz,Mindfulness funciona / Mindfulness Works How to Disconnect and Reduce Stress (Spanish Edition),Conecta,8416029423,Mindfulness Meditation,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Mindfulness Meditation,Body, Mind Spirit,GENERAL,General Adult,New Age,Non-Fiction,Spanish Adult Non-Fiction,Spanish Adult Nonfiction,meditation;buddhism;mindfulness;spirituality;zen;happiness;healing;gratitude;anger;breathing;mindfulness for beginners;forgiveness;spiritual books;adhd;meditations;meditation books;meditation for beginners;add;daily meditations;breath;mindfulness meditation;yoga;self help;spiritual;philosophy;psychology;self improvement;personal growth;buddha;spirit;health;inspiration;art;joy;wellness;dharma;consciousness;anxiety;buddhist;personal development;mental health;writing;creativity;reference;compassion,spiritual books; spirituality; meditation; mindfulness; healing; happiness; meditations; meditation books; gratitude; mindfulness for beginners; meditation for beginners; daily meditations; mindfulness meditation; psychology; self help; philosophy; spiritual; anxiety; health; buddhism; buddhist; personal development; yoga; zen; self improvement; personal growth; inspiration; mental health; wellness; spirit; consciousness; dharma; art; joy; anger; breathing; forgiveness; adhd; add; breath; buddha; writing; creativity; reference; compassion

    Mindfulness funciona / Mindfulness Works How to Disconnect and Reduce Stress (Spanish Edition) [Beatriz Munoz] on . bUna introducción a la práctica del mindfulness y su aplicación en el día a día


    Product details

    • Paperback 192 pages
    • Publisher Conecta (January 26, 2016)
    • Language Spanish
    • ISBN-10 8416029423
    "" [Review ]

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